What Do I Do When I’m Ready to Apply for Marketplace Insurance?

Want to enroll in Marketplace insurance for 2021 but not sure where to start? Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to shop the Marketplace and what that process looks like.

Here are your options:

HealthSherpa is a certified enrollment partner of the government that helps make your enrollment experience straightforward and simple. If you’re unfamiliar with HealthSherpa, they offer all of the same plans at the exact same prices as HealthCare.gov, the government’s enrollment site. The difference? A simpler enrollment process, an easier website, and a Consumer Advocate team available by phone, email and chat to help you at each step along the way. Most people complete an application in ten minutes or less on HealthSherpa.

Of course, if you have any questions or would like assistance in choosing a plan, call the HealthSherpa Consumer Advocate Team at 844-984-0731.

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