Linking CapitalOne360 Savings Account

Started by Shaina P.
Followed by: @Shaina @Rosa @Sabrina @Christy @Christine @Heather @Lashanda @Lakisha @Amonte @Paula @Luis @Melissa @Shamika @Gobby @Kristen @Suzanna @Jennifer @Nicole @Cathy @Lanna @Misty @Melissa @Jessica @Lucy @Joanne @Crystal @Roberta @Donald @Kirsten @This @Mindy @Deborah @"Sherrie D" @Monica @Neosha @Aaron @Tonya @Alicia @ALEXIS @April @Brittany @Denishia @Angela @Katie @angel @Kristina @Lashonda @Alicia @william @Travis @Ashley @Veronica @SABRINA @Thomasina @Shalanda @Angela @Beliques @Jessica @Samanthia @Carmen @Shaira @April @Angel @Lisette @Amy @KIMBERLY @Michael

Shaina P.

Has anyone been able to successfully link SaverLife to their Capital One 360 account? If so, did you have to take special steps? I keep getting an error.


Michael C.

I didn't even bother to try as Capital One has made it difficult to link their accounts to any service. I use two other financial aggregation sites, with one I can't link my Capital One accounts at all, I get an error every time, with the other Capital One requires me to provide a PIN to the site every time it updates. (Which really doesn't work well for sites that like to update automatically over night.)

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