Starting again!

Started by Marvea J.
Followed by: @Marvea @Rosa @Sabrina @Christy @Christine @Heather @Lashanda @Suzanna @SABRINA @Luis @Shamika @Gobby @Kristen @Joanne @Jennifer @Shalanda @Cathy @Roberta @Nicole @Carmen @Misty @Melissa @This @Mindy @"Sherrie D" @Monica @Neosha @Aaron @Tonya @Alicia @ALEXIS @Brittany @Jessica @Kristina @Angela @Katie @william @Ashley @Shaira @Veronica @Denishia @Thomasina

Marvea J.

So I started in this group when I had my daughter to earn some extra funds and to try to become financially stable. Long story short, things had gotten all messed up and turned around and my bank account had been deactivated from the site! But today things are much better! I got a new bank account (with money in it!) to start saving again and a better new job that I am still training for, but love, and I am getting married next July! I can't thank God enough (and SaverLife) for helping me and my family and getting us back on the path of this crazy life/world! I'm excited to start saving again and earning! Thank you SaverLife!

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