Kakeibo Budgeting web page suggestions anyone

Started by Lourdes G.
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Lourdes G.

Any one has a suggestions for Japanese tradition of using a kakeibo, which translates to “household finance ledger,” offers an easy solution to mindless spending habits. This budgeting system combines tracking purchases with the habit of mindfulness in order to reign in unnecessary spending and help you achieve savings goals. I have a book but I am better at online tracking. So if you anyone knows please replay and share. Thank you and Namaste. Stay safe everyone.


Gina H.

I have never heard of that particular budgeting process. I do practice mindful spending, though. For about 3 years, I wrote down every dollar that I spent everyday until it became a habit to really think about what I was about to buy.

Writing it down made it 'real' and I could immediately feel the disappointment if it was a meaningless purchase or the satisfaction of a well-thought-out purchase.

I think our debit cards have made it too easy to just spend money without really thinking about the fact that it IS money. During that 3 years, I also switched to 80% cash for my monthly spending. Feeling the money leave your hand, actually handing it to someone made me more and more reluctant to let it go… so I ended up spending much less on a monthly basis than I did when I started.


Carlo B.

I would recommend just exporting your monthly statements and just create a budget on excel


Kristen O.

Lourdes G. I have been actively researching Kakeibo method for a few months now. From my interpretation of the information, about 90% of the method relies on the physical aspect of writing the income and daily expenses down.

I will keep an eye out for a program that uses the method, but you may have to build an excel sheet for it yourself (as suggested by Carlo B).

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