Is there anyone who will work with you one-on-one to get out of debt?

Is there anyone that works one on one to get the person to get out of debt and credit collections?

Submitted by Amanda B.

Credit “repair” is a hot topic and you are wise to seek out someone reputable to help you sort out the best solution for your situation.

The CFPB (Consumer Finance Protection Bureau) has some solid advice on DIY debt management that you may want to look at even if you decide to work with a credit counselor.

Many nonprofit agencies work 1:1 to help you build a budget that focuses on debt reduction and works with you and your creditors to operate within that plan. Some may require you to take a class before working with a counselor to make sure you know all of your options.

Watch out for predators and multilevel marketing (MLM) “opportunities” to repair your credit. You will notice that they spend a great deal of time telling you that they aren’t multilevel marketing (psst… they are), so steer clear. Your credit score and reputation has an impact on every aspect of your financial life, so working with a certified and trusted professional is key.

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